Welcome to the forefront of family law excellence! Did you know that law firms with a strong web presence are three times more likely to acquire and retain clients? We do not just provide digital marketing services; we additionally come up with fascinating storylines that put your family law business in the spotlight. In a digital world saturated with legal voices, we carve out a unique niche for your firm, ensuring that it excels.

Why Online Presence Matters for
Family Law Firms' in 2024?

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Stats Speak Louder than Words

  • 74% of prospective clients begin their search for legal services online.
  • 63% of people use online sources to find personal injury lawyers.
  • 90% of searchers haven’t made their minds up about a brand before starting their search.

The Importance of Digital Marketing for
Family Lawyers

Increased Online Competition

As more potential clients turn to the Internet for legal counsel, there is increasing competition to capture their attention. A smart marketing strategy ensures that your law firm stands out both effectively and noticeably. It must be discoverable to those potential clients who need a Family law firm's representation.

Evolving Consumer Behavior

Nowadays, in 2024, clients will be super informed. The majority of them conduct considerable online research before looking for legal guidance. Well-developed marketing strategies prove your firm a reliable source of information. Thus influencing client decisions.

Changing Digital Landscape

A strong online presence is crucial for your law firm to reach and engage with their target clients. Your online presence serves as the first impression of your firm. The digital landscape builds your firm's credibility by highlighting its expertise and showcasing its unique value.

5 Essential Steps to 5X
Your Family Law Revenue

Step 1

Online Presence that Boost Your Conversions

Be Visible, Be Trustworthy

Our team specializes in the complexity of family law, and we understand how your practice works. Firms that invest in specialized marketing services are proven to increase their revenue by up to 5 times. 

Rank out in the digital arena with your online presence. Do you know that 87% of clients start their search for legal services online? From SEO strategies fine-tuned for family law to a meticulously managed social media footprint, we particularly designed an online environment where your family law practice not only flourishes but appeals to clients as well.

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Step 2

Appear On the Top Of Google Search

Rise Above the Noise

According to research, 75% of people never go past the first page of search results. This draws attention to how important it is to have an internet presence. Additionally, it gives the audience an idea of your accessibility.

The complexities of employment law require more than generic SEO strategies. Our specially designed SEO strategies are made to take care of the unique characteristics of your expertise. It gains trust that your company’s internet presence is interesting and pertinent.

Step 3

Let Your Firm's Story Shine through Content

Your Law Firm’s Story Crafted with Impact

78% of customers think that businesses that offer personalized content are motivated to build lasting relationships. Our content marketing strategy involves more than just word choice; it also involves brand design. By telling engaging stories to your audience that resonate with their lives,

Your firm can gain trust and loyalty. It takes more than words to create a brand you also need to effectively deliver it. We aim to communicate the core of your practice through messaging, making sure that every piece of content contributes to the compelling narrative you are describing.

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Step 4

Forge Connections on Social Platforms

Building Trust, One Post at a Time

Do you know that 93% of buying decisions are affected by social media? Social media platforms are not just for sharing news but they’re places where opinions are exchanged. These platforms have a significant impact on decision-making, especially in the law field. Social media can be used to create good impressions by strategically presenting your family law practice.

We manage your social media presence. We will respond to comments, initiate conversations, and guide potential clients to take business to another level by using social media. Hence, these social engagements are a dynamic pathway to client conversion

Step 5

Proven Paid Advertising

Maximize Reach, Optimize Conversions

PPC strategies provide instant visibility, in contrast to organic strategies. When potential clients look for family law services. Our advertising campaigns take care of your ranking and ensure that you’re at the top of online searches.

Through customized lead generation campaigns and conversion optimization, we make sure each click leads to a valuable client relationship. Those firms that actively generate leads report a 30% increase in client acquisition. Our PPC (Pay-Per-Click) ads are specially designed to ensure that your family law practice not only stands out prominently but works efficiently as well while exploring.

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Choosing us means choosing more than being seen.
We are highly focused on achieving results that matter to you most — like increased client inquiries, building a positive online reputation, and securing lasting success for your criminal law firm.

Through persuasive advertising and user-centric websites, we make sure that every online engagement brings you closer to acquiring new clients. We’re just as enthusiastic about legal advocacy as you are.

Our team is passionate about justice, and we put that energy into marketing. This shared commitment means your law firm’s values come through prominently in everything we do online.

real testimonials

What Law Firms
Say About Us?

Bennett J. Schiller
I chose to work with Ray Legal Marketing after reading about their success on their own marketing campaign. After working with them for a while, I can say that they've communicated well, dealt with everything in a diplomatic manner and been highly efficient. I have reached my first benchmark and I am very pleased with the positive feedback they are creating so far. Not only do they save me time, but calls and e-mails have increased as well. I would highly recommend them
Bennett J. Schiller
Schiller & Hamilton Law Firm
Patrick L. Jarrett
I've been really happy with Ray Legal Marketing so far and I think it's safe to say that Mr. Parker has been great. He's always attentive to my needs and has been very helpful. I'm really happy he spent time improving his understanding of my business and needs, which made for a more tailored experience. We're grateful to have Mr. Parker as a partner in our efforts to grow the multimedia company. With his wide knowledge and insights, we are confident that he will be able to help us achieve our goals. Now that we have a plan that I believe more appropriately fits my needs, I am hoping to see organic growth in my business as a result of the website going forward rather than just using the website as a confirmation for prospective clients of my abilities and practice areas. Thank you for your continued work and adaptations to meet my needs as a client.
Patrick L. Jarrett
Jarrett & Price Law

Answers to some questions you may have

How do your digital marketing services benefit my family law practice?

Our digital marketing services are designed to elevate your online presence, engage your target audience, and drive tangible results. From specialized SEO strategies to social media management, content creation, and PPC precision, we create a comprehensive and customized approach to meet the unique goals of your family law practice.

How do you measure the success of your marketing strategies?

We believe in data-driven decision-making. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, lead generation, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI) are continuously monitored. Our transparent reporting ensures you have a clear understanding of the impact and success of our marketing strategies.

Is digital marketing suitable for small family law practices?

Absolutely. Digital marketing is scalable and adaptable to practices of all sizes. We can tailor strategies to fit your budget and goals, ensuring that even small family law practices can benefit from an effective online presence.

How long does it take to see results from digital marketing efforts?

The timeline for seeing results can vary based on factors such as the competitiveness of your market and the specific strategies implemented. However, our data-driven approach aims to deliver measurable results, and we work diligently to optimize campaigns for efficiency.

What sets you apart different from other marketing agencies?

Our agency specializes in legal marketing, with a particular focus on family law. We bring a depth of expertise, a proven track record of success, and a commitment to tailoring strategies to the unique needs of each family law practice we partner with.

Is there any refund of service?

Our monthly rates are fair and our contracts are designed to be transparent & generous. We provide detailed monthly reports of the work we do, but if you're not happy with our service, you can end the contract anytime with a written notice.  

Free Consultation

Book a Free Marketing Consultation​

One of our marketing specialists will contact you to discuss your budget and needs.
If we sound like a fit, we will prepare a proposal within 24-48 business hours